Basis Camp - Day 4 - We need to get free from corrupt supranational organizations.

The Corona Committee, who have conducted a lengthy investigation into the truth behind what we have been enduring since 3/2020, have now launched an exercise to explore what an exit strategy to our present situation would look like. Yesterday’s meeting can be accessed here. This topic in general is available here.

Update: YouTube wiped out the English version before it even started. We have a new link below.

The German version should be available below.

The meeting opens with psychological expert Professor Matthias Desmet describing Mass Formation/Totalitarianism and the psychological state of society that provided a foundation for a global population that became so largely fooled.
The root of this has been a population that has been traumatized, isolated, a public which has become anxious and frustrated.
When the current major psychological operation was launched, people were primed to receive narratives that describe a source of anxiety and a perceived solution to this anxiety.

To watch the video, click here.

To watch the video, click here.

When a strategy was offered to “solve” the object of anxiety, a socially alienated public was enormously willing to participate in the media driven new “social bond”.

The public went from a state of social alienation to a state of “social bond” which created a kind of intoxication. This is why that even though Corona narrative is so absurd, yet people continue to accept it.
Instead, the focus became social solidarity, not the truth. This operation put society into a state of hypnosis. Everything can be removed from people as long as they retain a narrative that creates the illusion of bonds.

Professor Desmet says totalitarian systems can only destroy, which explains the destruction we have been seeing. We must face why we are so isolated. The solutions are mental and spiritual. This crisis forces us to ask ourselves about meaning.

Chancellor Reiner Fuellmich expresses his desire to know why these processes have been happening and asks Professor Desmet who is doing this to us?
Professor Desmet then moves away from the idea of identifying those responsible.

Then Professor Desmet says that the public need to understand the totalitarian threat we are facing. Speaking out will help forestall the totalitarian efforts and we need to understand how we got here. We need to work together to create a new consciousness.

Chancellor Fuellmich returns to the topic of those responsible. Are they traumatized people? Have they gone over too many red lines? Can they ever be trusted again?

Mr. Desmet responds in a somewhat vague way about these questions.

President Franz Ruppert describes how formerly traumatized children grow up to become destructive leaders, sometimes. He cites childhood circumstances concerning the youths of Adolf Hitler, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.

Chancellor Fuellmich says that we need to keep speaking out and we need to warn the public that a totalitarian system “devours its own children”. Even their own partisans are eventually destroyed if a totalitarian system takes over entirely.

Professor Desmet suggests that the way to help set people free from the current narrative is to help them understand that we are facing a real totalitarian threat. Then we need to help people understand the necessity of working together towards a solution.

To watch the video click here.

To watch the video click here.

A new speaker, Professor Georg Lind is introduced and begins on the subject of moral competence. People are the basis of democracy and few even know the contents of the constitution. Professor Lind says being good is like a muscle that needs to be used for it to be strengthened.

How To Teach Morality is a book by Georg Lind.

Lind suggests that morality needs to be taught and that the current system is inhibiting moral behavior. Nonetheless, some are still compelled to behave in a moral manner regardless of the many repressive measures in place.

Professor Lind also says that he lost many loved ones recently and he wants to know why there isn’t more outcry about the mass murder of those who were injected or denied the medical care they needed. He says that the individuals responsible for this mass murder should be removed from power immediately.

Child advocate Hans Christian Prestien then expresses how society has slipped into infantilism. We have been given the impression that we are not good enough and that we have to look up to authority for approval if we are to be included in society.
He reminds us that children cannot consent to taking injections and that parents cannot authorize known poisonous injections to be forced on children.
Mr. Prestien also says that authorities pressuring teachers to do things they are not allowed to do should stop. Harming children should stop. Not allowing children the full range of experiences is mental abuse and it is punishable under German law. This abuse must also stop on behalf of other people who cannot defend themselves.
The state is legally obligated to protect children from abuse of any kind. Children have a right of legal defense wherever torture is concerned. Torture is defined as any application of mental and physical pain. We must take action within the bounds of the law. We need someone responsible for protecting child safety in the new cabinet.

Chancellor Fuellmich laments that it is difficult to reach judges who take legal arguments as personal attacks. This results sometimes in legal arguments that are not allowed to even be heard. Other judges are being intimidated.

Chancellor Fuellmich continues, we are facing huge violations of the medical advertising act. Public figures are pushing medical products. Platforms are censoring correct information about medical products. We have never seen this before.

Minister of Commerce Werner Bergholz discusses the logistics of production and how we are facing, in part, a crisis of manpower because of people who have fallen ill after taking being injected.

Mr. Bergholz says production relies on the 4 Ms:





If there is an interruption in any of the 4 above, production is disrupted. Bergholz says we must stop the measures to maintain production. We also need to develop regional supply chains.

To watch the video, click here.

To watch the video, click here.

Chancellor Fuellmich indicates that the cover ups of institutional financial insolvencies have blocked the public from understanding the genuine financial situation.

Another expert, this time in the field of investment banking, Professor Chris Kreiss says that we are in uncharted territory financially. Massive companies have won over the backs of smaller businesses. Lockdowns are like fishing trawls. The harder the lockdowns, the more larger companies win and the little companies fail.
Dr. Fuellmich asks if this victory of larger companies over smaller ones is part of a deliberate agenda?

To watch the video, click here.

To watch the video, click here.

Professor Kreiss says that the concentration of power is indeed happening quickly due to the obviously manufactured crisis and this concentration of power is also very apparent in media consolidation.
There’s a strong financial incentive for media to keep up fear programming and to keep lockdowns as hard and extended as possible. Professor Kreiss says big companies need to be restricted. Many of them are not even subject to being taxed.

Chancellor Fuellmich says that we need to break away from supranational organizations and that we need to establish local supply chains. This would involve a return to working from the bottom up at the regional level.
Chancellor Fuellmich says that we have been learning that authority has been working against the interests of the people in favor of supranational organizations. Taxpayer money paid for injections that are being forced on the public. This results in profits that go to pharmaceutical companies.
If the public understood this, they would be less willing to offer their compliance. The public doesn’t realize what’s going on because media companies are owned by supranational organizations. The truth is being obscured.

Professor Kreiss suggests new methods of establishing real independent journalism need to be implemented. Pluralism must be reestablished. A cultural council, separate from political parties, could be formed to oversee this.

Chancellor Fuellmich says we now have a North Korean style state controlled media. The psychoterrorism campaign has been driven by major media.
Professor Kreiss suggests major media which is funded in large part by the banking establishment must be changed. Of course, the media’s concentrated source of funding impacts their reporting.

Chancellor Fuellmich states that this recent crisis was clearly the result of deliberate malfeasance.

Culture Minister Uli Masuth discusses how the careers of creative people have been destroyed and major media has denounced creative people who have spoken out and they have lost their positions at cultural institutions.

Labor Minister Antje Fontes also advocates for a return to regionalism. She asks, “How can we support the regional economy and how can we save them now?”

Chancellor Fuellmich suggests that we have to increase awareness. He concludes that we are learning that it is time to become active. If we remain inactive, we may find ourselves rolled over by development.

The following questions were answered by viewers of the cabinet broadcast.


1,130 votes

Has your economic situation been worsened by the crisis?
Yes 58%

No 42%

1,095 votes

Did you notice that you could no longer buy certain products because of the crisis?
Yes 58%

No 42%

1,050 votes

Do you expect your economic situation to deteriorate in the next 6 months?

Yes 79%

No 21%

1,264 votes

Are you afraid that Germany will turn into a surveillance state?

Yes 95%

No 5%

1,077 votes

Do you think that the economy will recover quickly after the end of the crisis?

Yes 18%

No 82%

1,060 votes

Should everyone decide for themselves which medium receives their "GEZ" contribution?

Yes 97%

No 3%