I’m posting this to inform about certain elements of the ruling class that are extremely predatory, especially to children.

We’re getting deeper into the type of horrible things that have been systematically covered up. Trigger warning. The entire Franklin Cover Up book is available here.

This account is continued from the previous post which can be found here.

KIMBERLY WEBB stated that a number of adults, whom she referred to as leaders from the North Omaha Girls Club, both male and female, were engaged in the photography of nude children. She also indicated that a number of prominent individuals were involved, including doctors and lawyers although she indicated they used code names and that she could provide no real names for these individuals.

SMITH also indicated that the adult leaders who took these photographs used threats against her and others to get them to participate in these photographic sessions. She stated that she had been told on occasion that her entire family would be killed as well as her if she refused to participate in these activities.

Loretta told Officer Carmean that she "began participating in what she termed devil worship with other juveniles and adults. She stated that she was approximately 10 or 11 years old when she started attending these rituals," which sometimes included nude photography.

Those participating “were given something to drink which she stated, tasted like apple juice but which she thought contained some kind of a drug.."

SMITH indicated that NELLY and KIMBERLY WEBB, had also reported these activities to Police in the past but that nothing had been done. She stated that the WEBB girls had told the superintendent of Fort Calhoun Schools whom she identified as a Mr. FINCH, and stated that it had been reported to him first but the girls felt that since nothing was done that he must have been involved also.

In a report dated June 30, 1988, Carmean put down more of what he had learned from Loretta: During the course of Reporting Officer's interview with LORETTA ISABEL SMITH concerning child pornography activity, as well as devil worship, she mentioned the name of LARRY KING as being a participant and supporter in these activities. Asked how she knew this, SMITH stated that she is a friend of... the daughter of GARY WEST. (WEST is reportedly the manager for MAX'S, a predominantly homosexual bar located south of CENTRAL STATION at 1415 Jackson Street).

SMITH stated that she has been to the WEST residence several times, and that GARY WEST is a homosexual, as well as an alcoholic. She stated that when he does become intoxicated, he talks about his certain activities with LARRY KING, and indicated that he is into the use of controlled substances (i.e. cocaine) for personal use, as well as for sale, and that he owes LARRY KING a lot of money for this.... With regard to Larry King, she stated that she knows that he supports devil worship activities.... She further indicated that KING owns a house on Wirt Street, the exact location of which she did not know, but that KING holds various drug and sex parties there.

SMITH initially told Reporting Officer that she had been to the Wirt house on one occasion, in which she saw three or four teenage males engaged in oral copulation.... It became apparent, when SMITH began talking about KING and WEST with a lack of specificity, that she didn't wish to go into much detail with Reporting Officer, at this time.

Reporting Officer told her to consider recalling as much information as possible, and that she and Reporting Officer would talk again at a later date. On July 5, Loretta did telephone Officer Carmean and gave him the address and phone number of King's house on Wirt Street. Carmean drove by the house and called the number. The phone was answered "King Company." At the house, Carmean wrote in his log, he "observed on a gray awning... the name KING in black script lettering."