Astral Zormand - The Astrology of the Elvis Costello Model

guest post by astrology commenter, Astral Zormand (the ‘D’ is silent)

Please refer below to the Natal Chart of the Tanster’s newest jewelry creation, the Elvis Costello model. The official birth data for this piece of wearable art is 12.24.21, 8:02 PM EST; 40n54 72w22.

You will notice that on the chart below, the Moon (emotions) is in the First House, the most defining place of the self. However the Moon is also adjacent to the Second House, the domain of money and value, sharing its influence there too. It is squarely in the sign of Virgo (service), which is ruled by Mercury (thinking, communication). These factors indicate the energies of the Elvis Costello model are focused on thinking, emotions and (monetary) value.

Uranus is in Taurus at the Mid-Heaven and it is in a Grand Trine with Pluto and Venus. Uranus is bringing genius into the sign of luxury and money. The Grand Trine is enfusing this combination of energies with strong luck.

Interestingly, Pluto and Venus are in Capricorn, concerned with structures and institutions which include banking. That is what they are bringing their powers of creativity and change to. Mercury is also close to them, adding its energy of thinking.

The most influential astral body, the Sun, is between Capricorn and Sagittarius in the Fourth House, the place of the Moon. These factors signal a focus in the area of global structures, coming from a place of emotion. Jupiter being between Pisces and Aquarius bring a generous benevolence to the areas of creativity and genius.

The chart of the Elvis Costello model portends a worldwide revolution in the money system.