Gor-Lak's Corner: My Nobel Prize in Economics

guest post by Gor-Lak, alien guide

Yes, I won the Nobel Prize in Economics. Actually, it’s technically called the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel but that’s a real mouthful. Whoever came up with that name at Sweden’s central bank clearly didn’t know much about the PR game.

The only reason I mention that I won that poorly named yet highly prestigious award is to establish my credibility when I tell you what a terrible system Capitalism is. Don’t get me wrong, it’s really, really great for the capitalists. But for the rest of us? Not so much.

The capitalists own everything. The means of production. The media. Politicians. They have to. How else could they get the rest of us to let them have it all?

“But wait!” a PR shill agent in the crowd says. “They deserve to have all the money because they are successful!”

Totally BS argument. Most of the big, rich wealth hoarding families got started with stealing and violence. Did you see There Will Be Blood? Good flick.

They use their wealth to make all the rules, all of which benefit them. Therefore they will get richer ... and we won’t.