Josephine begged Napoleon not to leave her then Napoleon begged sobbing for Hortense not to leave him.

I have been trying to establish that a very mysterious type of relationship known as “twin flame” bond was at the center of the Napoleonic saga. 


Hortense was a depressed person who despaired that she could not express her ardent affection under her set of circumstances. 


Napoleon was a very famous man who was constantly propositioned by women and he certainly enjoyed the company of many of them. Was he a sex addict? Was he trying to efface from his mind the true object of his affection - his stepdaughter Hortense?


After Napoleon finally resolved to discard Joséphine, you will see what happened in the following excerpt from Hortense’s Memoirs.


Learn about the Napoleonic Shared Universe Saga here


From Hortense’s Memoirs: 
