Two times I have posted about how Conan O’Brien has a recurring character which just so happens to be a demon who kills and eats babies.


Now Conan O’Brien is helping an unfunny wannabe Woody Allen as he tries to deflect from the the fact that he’s associated himself with satanic rituals.


They love to fall back on their “it’s just a joke” trIck. What a wonderful tool they’ve developed for themselves, this unfunny “humor” of theirs. Yet another mental trap from the best mental trap makers of all time. Either you find this guy’s satanic ritual funny like it’s “supposed” to be or you’re just a bad and wrong who doesn’t get it - forever not measuring up to these o so superior types. 


A Call For An Uprising is right about another thing. Those of us who found our own audience, however big or small did it honestly. These media puppets are pushed on the brainwashed masses. These puppets get to enjoy their rigged games BUT what success would they ever have if the game wasn’t rigged in their favor?  


What does it profit a man that he gains the world and yet forfeits his own soul?