I am suspicious about the motives of the maker of this video but I think the information in the video is accurate. Whenever I hear Hillary Clinton solemnly proclaim that she’s a “Methodist”, I think of how she was emailed about a blood sacrifice to Mollech and how her crowd is o so tight with Marina Abramovic.

I believe that lying is a core tenet of satanism and that even if they tell the Truth, a satanist’s intent is to deceive. I think deception is the main source of whatever level of power that they appear to attain in this world.

Good always wins in the end. People who are sincerely connected to God cannot be killed on the spirit level. Basically those who are aligned with satan are aligned with the weaker force.

All they get is a bunch of lies. All they put out is a bunch of lies. The illusion is that they are winning when in reality their defeat is assured. Anyone hiding behind masks and lies is a loser who lives in fear of being exposed CONSTANTLY. Maybe that is why the Clintons have a body count surrounding them that is north of 50+, from what I’m seeing. The body count would be much higher if you consider their role in all these endless wars.