They’ve done such a thorough job of convincing most that hell does not exist but it does. I’m not saying this to intimidate you.


Hell is what happens to those who give themselves over to the devil. The devil is a sadist. The devil is a tormenter. The devil commands his slaves to rape and burn people alive to satisfy his appetite for death and destruction.


Will he treat his own slaves any differently in the future? Those who trust in the devil in return for money and success and deviant sex are insane to me. Yet these slaves are exactly the ones who call us crazy for speaking for ourselves!


Hell is separation from god and enslavement to the devil. I’ve been trying to show my readers, day in day out, that all this is REAL.


“And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be afraid of Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”


- Jesus <-
