Napoleon’s Moon.

The Moon is watery in Astrology. It rules Cancer. It is associated with the Mother, emotion and spirit.


The red dot is by Napoleon’s Moon. It’s in the 3rd house.


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Napoleon’s Moon is just in Capricorn but barely.


The Moon is probably going to have a lot of Aquarius to it given that it’s near its cusp.


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The Moon is opposite Mercury and Saturn. Napoleon’s Moon is where that focal point Saturn in the 3rd house is in my chart.


Napoleon has Mercury and Saturn conjunct and like my Saturn, his is in Cancer on the exact opposite place where mine is. Let’s look at how Saturn and Mercury energy blend.


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Napoleon’s Moon is opposite Saturn.


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It is frequently said that Napoleon prepared for every contingency. He also said, “Nothing is more difficult, therefore more precious, than to decide.”

Napoleon’s Moon is opposite Mercury.


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Napoleon’s Moon is in the practical and visionary cusp between Capricorn and Aquarius. He has Saturn energy and Mercury energy at both ends of his Moon placement. The red arrows show Saturn energy. The teal dots show Mercury energy.


These energies play out in many ways in Napoleon. Napoleon was an orator and writer (Mercury) and he was a Head of State (Saturn). Napoleon was deeply in love with his stepdaughter Hortense (Moon) but he had to limit (Saturn) his expression (Mercury).

The Astrology Series so far is here.

Twitter double posts my tweets except ones about double posting.

This happened twice today.

They double posted the following.


But they don’t double post this.


As you can see I have absolutely no one looking at my work according to Twitter. If I don’t have anyone into my work, then why do I have to deal with stalking and harassment from the secret group that hounds me constantly?

I posted to Twitter and took a screenshot to prove I posted just once then through an act of (black) magic - an irritating double post appeared later on.

Would you consider that harassment? Or are they just under that plausible deniability banner? You decide.

Let’s look at this evidence. At 4:40 pm I took a screenshot to prove I posted only once.


A short time later, once again, my account was marred by an irritating double post. We’ll keep an eye on exposing this new tactic employed to tarnish my work.


The pattern of behavior is what I seek to document here. In all the vicissitudes of this project, this is actually the first time Twitter has started messing with me. Welcome to the club Twitter.

Hortense complains that Napoleon is reading letters from her that are not addressed to him.

Now we have a letter from post marriage depressed Hortense.


Something funny about Napoleon and Hortense is that though neither were all that happy in their marriages, they both loved to arrange marriages. This was one of the many projects that they would do in concert.

It’s also worth noting that Hortense complains that Napoleon is reading her letters to Eugène.


Dear Eugène,

Saint-Amand, this 27 Messidor, year XIII, July 16th, 1805.

For a few days, I have been in the mud of Saint-Amand, my dear Eugène, it is a very sad country. I don’t have anyone with me except Mademoiselle Cochelet and Madamoiselle de Mornay, who is undergoverness. I hope that Adele will come soon, but, as the Empress is back, I am really worried that Eglé [Adele’s sister] will go straight to Paris and perhaps to Plombieres with Mom.  

General Belliard must come and take the mud here [a riff on “taking the waters”]. Tell me frankly what you think of him, for I know that he thinks a little about Adele, although she has been very displeased with him since last winter. I hope that when she sees him more close up, she might decide to marry him. It is at least time for her to get married. I had thought of General Bertrand, but I do not know what his intentions are.  

The Emperor wrote yesterday to Louis. The Emperor tells me to tell you that are comporting yourself well, that you work a lot but that I must write you cheerful and not sad letters. Why should he have seen my letters? Tell me, I beg you, why he made me say that.  

Farewell, my dear Eugène, in spite of your great occupations, please try to find a little moment to write to me. Give me a little detail of your days. When I think of you, I like to have an idea of where you are and how it’s going.


PS. Napoleon [Hortense’s son] gives you a kiss.

Hortense’s Memoirs are available here.

Hortense complains that Napoleon is reading letters from her that are not addressed to him.

Hortense and Josephine Bonaparte’s Letters so far are here.