Check out the coding on this ridiculous divide and conquer story brought to you by the controlled mainstream media.

The masons can’t media manipulate the masses into another world war if people realize the script they’re running. We need to get the word out that the world wars were scripted in the 1800s. The story mentioned above is a clever way to get people worked up. I don’t understand their number magick personally but I can see clearly that they are engaging in it. Also please note that Adolf Hitler’s fashions were flouncy and designed to accommodate wide hips. We have every indication that masons are mad for cross dressing. 


Hitler dressed flamboyantly to a comical degree. What I’m seeing in media of him is live theater. I give them all the credit for costume design but please look at their dangerous nonsense in a new light. We have been played. I’m not saying people didn’t suffer and die during WW2. Lots of people suffered and died. These fabricated crisis situations are about getting people miserable and murdered.


Order ab chao means “Order out of chaos” . That’s a masonic motto.



During WW2, Europe just so happened to have had dictators in place from Portugal to Russia. What a coincidence! The powers that be aren’t going to stop doing this to us on their own.


This is why I never shut up about Napoleon. He stood up to them and the oligarchs have been seriously emboldened since his fall.  



Not a male jaw to be seen on this Hitler. Why is he covering up his wide hips? 


Look at any Hollywood “actress” - compare and contrast.


Check out the powerfully male jaw on this actress who has been turning her child transsexual publically, as pushed in the controlled media, since it was a baby. These oligarchs know about acting and theater and propaganda. We’re talking about their specialties. Imagine what they’re doing to children that they’re not publicizing.


The male skull is on the left. The data is clear as can be.


MSNBC reported on the obviously BS Stormy Daniels Story 455 times. They covered the totally real story that Stormy Daniels allegedly helped recruit youths into a sex slave cult 0 times.

Of course, we would not expect otherwise of the complicit pornography peddling mainstream media. It’s almost as if degenerates are trying to use their almost complete control of media to influence us regular people into becoming as depraved as they are.


Since MSNBC doesn’t care about the bombshell Ben Szemkus testimony (and it’s implications about the sort in charge), here it is in case you may have missed it.

With Napoleon on St. Helena, Pages 670-680.

Napoleon finally escapes his English jailers through a torturous death by poisoning. 


We last finished reading: With Napoleon in Russia. Now we’re reading the memoirs of Napoleon’s Valet Marchand from their time together all over Europe and at St. Helena.

Then I will read the Memoirs of Hortense Bonaparte. All three writers of these memoirs are considered exceptionally honest. All three essentially lived with Napoleon. Then I plan to read a selection of Napoleon’s letters to ladies. You will see that Napoleon is the same person in all of these accounts. I’m doing this because I believe this is important and that our whole present world-in-crisis comes out of this True story.


Click here for the amazing first book of this series: With Napoleon in Russia:

Search Tanster on iTunes to find the Series on that platform.


Also available at:

Why did I expect to be surrounded by psychopaths whenever I went to photograph a celebrity event?

When I received the opportunity to shoot for celebrity photography agency WireImage (which was later bought by Getty while I worked there), I was besides myself with excitement. I had always been a bit too ambitious and I saw this as finally an opportunity that I could turn to my advantage somehow. My real goal was to become some sort of successful artist. I hadn’t learned yet that success as an artist is available only to people of a certain echelon - it’s apparently not available to a nobody like me.


Talent is a nonissue. I actually believe a deal with the devil is necessary for “success”, particularly in the “arts”.


Very quickly at celebrity events, however, I started to recognize that I was working with insane people with serious drug problems who were supremely manipulative and difficult (for me) to tolerate.


Since I had worked as a producer for a media elite type, I had to learn everything I could about narcissism and psychopathsy to understand that heartless monster’s behavior. He had a Jewish name and he used being Jewish to exploit opportunities but there were no traces of actual Jewishness in his life whatsoever. I figured he just so happened to be an individual who just so happened to be a total complete fraud. Now I realize there was a lot more going on with that “guy” than he was letting on. (I’m talking about essayist Roger Rosenblatt. Why protect the guilty?)


When I again found myself amongst NYC/LA elite types, I knew enough about narcissism and psychopathy to realize that if I was going to stay in that job - I was going to have to adjust my expectations BIG TIME.  


I unfortunately accepted that the celebrity world was crawling with psychopaths with those suffering with substance abuse issues. I could only stand being around this sort for so long until I had to leave that world. 


This link below says psychopaths and narcissists are over represented in media. I obviously need no article to tell me that but here it is anyway.


This describes issues concerning psychopaths but I also believe an antihuman cult has a sort of monopoly on “media influence”. 


Are they setting up World War 3 so they can finally trick the world into accepting their dark occult religion outright?

What if we united and stopped falling for tricks from the ones who run the media? 


Check out the Masonic plan for how to launch World War 3 and how tricking people into hating Muslims is a huge part of that plan. 


This building wasn’t hit and it exploded into dust all by itself on 9/11/01. The BBC said it collapsed before it did. The mainstream media still brainwashes the masses to believe whatever they were told about that gruesome event which launched endless wars. The media mostly does not report on human rights atrocities associated with these endless wars.


The young man who said this was dead soon thereafter. Look it up.
