Miranda's Eighth Album - Vengeance - **LAST DROP!!!** - "New Wave"

Miranda the Mermaid is continuing to share her hero’s journey of learning how to sing and how to play the guitar. Her mystical guide is none other than the Machiavelli Imperial, Elvis Costello. His teaching tool, “How To Play Guitar And Y,” is available wherever you buy audiobooks. Here’s the link on Amazon.

Slovenian superstars, Joker Out, did a song that was so amazing that Illuminati Prisoner EC himself wanted in. Elvis Costello wrote out English lyrics and sings on the track called “New Wave” with the band. They even did a video. Now Miranda finishes off her first sophomore year album, Vengeance, with it.

Track 10

“New Wave”

Track 9

“My Funny Valentine”

Track 8

“And Your Bird Can Sing”

Track 7

“Stuck In A Moment You Can’t Get Out Of”

Track 6

“Two Step”

Track 5

“Karma Police”

Track 4

“The Vibe Of Mermaid Banking”

Track 3

“Bridge Over Troubled Water”

Track 2

“American Pie”

“American Pie” is a beloved song by maestro Don McLean. Miranda dedicates her fledgling performance to Tanster. Though the catchy and inspiring chorus focuses on the original inspiration for the song, a tragic plane accident, the song is actually about much larger themes. A common element between the works of Tanster and McLean is how evil can crush potential.

Track 1

“Oh What A Circus”